Shenyue Chen, Jinliang Huang*, Jiacong Huang, Peng Wang, Changyang Sun, Zhenyu Zhang, Shijie Jiang, 2025. Explainable deep learning identifies patterns and drivers of freshwater harmful algal blooms. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 23, 100522.
Faizal Rachman, Huang Jinliang*. Assessing the dynamics of small-scale coastal fisheries using public participatory GIS with structural equation model for fisheries management in Jakarta coastal area, Indonisia. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2025, 262, 107575
Shenyue Chen, Jinliang Huang*, Peng Wang, Xi Tang, Zhenyu Zhang, 2024. A coupled model to improve water quality prediction toward addressing nonstationarity and data limitation. Water Research, 248, 120895
Yicheng Huang, Shengyue Chen, Xi Tang, Changyang Sun, Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, 2024. Dynamic patterns and potential drivers of river water quality in a coastal city: insights from a machine-learning-based framework and water management. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, 122911
Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, Shengyue Chen, Changyang Sun, 2024. How much nutrient reaches a stream: Insights from a hybrid model and implications for watershed nitrogen export and removal. Journal of Environmental Management, 360, 121104
Zhenyu Zhang, Yicheng Huang, Jinliang Huang*, 2024. A spatially explicit interpretable machine learning method to track dissolve inorganic nitrogen pollution in a coastal watershed. Ecological Indicators, 158, 111428
Lei Fang, Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, 2023. Rapid flood modeling using HAND-FFA-SRC coupled approach and social media-based geodata in a China coastal watershed. Environmental Modelling & Software, 170, 105862
Shengyue Chen, Jinliang Huang*, Jr-Chuan Huang, 2023. Improving daily streamflow simulations for data-scarce watersheds using the coupled SWAT-LSTM approach. Journal of Hydrology, 622, 129734
Zheyu Xie, Shengyue Chen, Jinliang Huang*, Dongfeng Li, Xixi Lu, 2023. Patterns and drivers of fecal coliform exports in a typhoon-affected watershed: Insights from 10-year observations and SWAT model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 406, 137044
Zilong Chen, Jinyu Lin, Jinliang Huang*, 2023. Linking ecosystem service flow to water-related ecological security patterns: A methodological approach applied to a coastal province of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 345, 118725
Zheyu Xie, Yujing Zhang, Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, 2023. Nitrate Removal mechanism in riparian groundwater in an intensified agricultural catchment. Agriculture Water Management, 280, 108223
Shenyue Chen, Zilong Chen, Yujing Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, 2023. A hybrid modeling framework to screen reclaimed water supplement schemes in an urban watershed. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 50, 101602
Zhenyu Zhang, Georg Hörmann, Jinliang Huang*, Nicola Fohrer, 2023. A grid-based interpretable machine learning method to understand the spatial relationships between watershed properties and water quality. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110627
Peng Wang, Jian Wang, Xiaoxiang Liu, Jinliang Huang*, 2023. A GEE-based framework to identify patterns and drivers of mariculture dynamics in an intensive aquaculture bay of China. Remote Sensing, 15, 763
Zhenyu Zhang, Georg Hörmann, Jinliang Huang*, Nicola Fohrer, 2023. A random forest-based CA-Markov model to examine the dynamics of land use/cover change aided with remote sensing and GIS. Remote Sensing, 15, 2128
Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, Paul D. Wagner, Nicola Fohrer, 2022. A method for detecting the non-stationarity during high flows under global change. Science of the Total Environment, 851, 158341
Lei Fang, Jinliang Huang*, Juntao Cai, Nitivattananon Vilas,2022. Hybrid approach for flood susceptibility assessment in a flood-prone mountainous catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 612, 128091
Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, Shuiwang Duan, Yaling Huang, Juntao Cai, Jin Bian, 2022. Use of interpretable machine learning method to identify the factors influencing the nonlinear linkage between land use with river water quality: A case study in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Ecological Indicators, 140, 108977
Zheyu Xie, Jihui Liu, Jinliang Huang*, Zilong Chen. 2022. Linking land- cover change with landscape pattern dynamics induced by damming in a small watershed. Remote Sensing, 14, 3580
Jingyu Lin, Jinliang Huang*, Michalis Hadjikakou, Yaling Huang, Kun Li, Brett A. Bryan,2021. Reframing water-related ecosystem services flows. Ecosystem Services, 50, 101306
Jingyu Lin, Jinliang Huang*, Christina Prell, Brett A Bryan,2021. Changes in Supply and Demand Mediate the Effects of Land-Use Change on Freshwater Ecosystem Service Flows. Science of the Total Environment, 7639(1), 143012
Yaling Huang, Jinliang Huang*, Ayu Ervinia, Shuiwang Duan, Sujay S Kaushal, 2021. Land use and climate variability amplifies watershed nitrogen exports in coastal China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 207, 104428
Zhenyu Zhang, Jihui Liu, Jinliang Huang*, 2020. Hydrologic Impacts of Cascade Dams in a Small Headwater Watershed under climate variability. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125426
Lei Fang, Jinliang Huang*, Zhenyu Zhang, Vilas Nitivattananon, 2020. Data-driven framework for delineating urban population dynamics: Case study on Xiamen island. Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, 102365
Zheyu Xie, RG Pontius Jr, Jinliang Huang*, Vilas Nitivattananon, 2020. Enhanced Intensity Analysis to quantify categorical change and to identify suspicious land transitions: a case study of Nanchang, China. Remote Sensing, 12, 3323
Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, Cairong Xiao, Jr-Chuan Huang, 2020. Simulation-based method to develop strategies for nitrogen pollution control in a creek watershed with sparse data. Environment Science and Pollution Research, 27, 38849–38860
Ayu Ervinia, Jinliang Huang*,Zhenyu Zhang, 2020. Nitrogen sources, processes and associated impacts of climate and land-use changes: Insights from the INCA-N model. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 159, 111502
Yaling Huang, Jinliang Huang*, Ayu Ervinia, Shuiwang Duan, 2020. Tracking nitrate source under changing land use and hydrologic regimes. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 152, 110884
Ayu Ervinia, Jinliang Huang*, Yaling Huang, Jingyu Lin, 2019. Coupled effects of climate variability and land use pattern on surface water quality: An elasticity perspective and watershed health indicators. Science of the Total Environment, 693, 133592
Jinliang Huang, Ayu Ervinia, and Yaling Huang, 2019. Linking land use with water pollution in coastal watersheds of China. Xiaojun Yang & Shijun Jiang. Challenges towards ecological sustainability in China: An interdisciplinary perspective. Springer, USA.
Yaling Huang, Jinliang Huang*, 2019. Coupled effects of land use pattern and hydrological regime on composition and diversity of riverine eukaryotic community in a coastal watershed of Southeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 660, 787–798
Boqiang Huang, Jinliang Huang*, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr., Zhenshun Tu, 2018. Comparison of Intensity Analysis and the land use dynamic degrees to measure land changes outside versus inside the coastal zone of Longhai, China. Ecological Indicators, 89, 336–347
Pei Zhou, Jinliang Huang*,Huasheng Hong, 2018. Modeling nutrient sources, transport and management strategies in a coastal watershed, Southeast China. Science of the Total Environment, 610-611, 1296-1309
Pei Zhou, Jinliang Huang*, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr., Huasheng Hong, 2016. New Insight into the Correlations between Land Use and Water Quality in a Coastal Watershed of China: Does Point Source Pollution Weaken It? Science of the Total Environment, 543, 591-600
Zhenyu Zhang, Jinliang Huang*, Yaling Huang,Huasheng Hong, 2015. Streamflow Variability Response to Climate Change and Cascade Dams Development in a Coastal China Watershed. Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science, 166, 209-217
Jinliang Huang, Yaling Huang, Pntious Robert Gilmore Jr., Zhenyu Zhang, 2015. Geographically Weighted Regression to Measure Spatial Variations in Correlations between Water Pollution versus Land Use in a Coastal Watershed. Ocean & Coast Management, 103, 14-24
Jinliang Huang, Qingsheng Li, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr., Vector Klemas, Huasheng Hong, 2013. Detecting the dynamic linkage of landscape characteristics and water quality in a subtropical watershed, Southeast China. Environmental Management, 51, 32-44
Jinliang Huang, Zhenyu Zhang, Yuan Feng, Huasheng Hong, 2013. Hydrologic response to climate change and human activities in a subtropical coastal watershed of southeastChina. Regional Environmental Change, 13, 1195-1210
Jinliang Huang*, Qingsheng Li, Ling Huang, Zhifeng Zhang*, Jingli Mu, Yaling Huang, 2013. Watershed-scale Evaluation for Land-based Nonpoint Source nutrients management in the Bohai Sea Bay, China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 71, 314-325
Jinliang Huang, Robert Gilmore Pontius Jr., Qingsheng Li, Yujia Zhang, 2012. Use of Intensity Analysis to Link Patterns with Processes of Land Change from 1986 to 2007 in a Coastal Watershed of Southeast China. Applied Geography, 34, 371-384
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黄金良, 王思齐, 卢豪良,2018. 可持续雨水管理与海绵城市构建的美国经验. 中国环境管理, 10(5), 97-103