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教授 博导


  • 南京大学环境工程系 学士 (2000-2004)

  • 同济大学环境工程系 硕士肄业 (2004-2006)

  • 香港科技大学生物系 博士 (2006-2010)

  • 厦门大学海洋系 博士后(2011-2013)

  • 蒙特利尔大学化学系 博士后(2012.09-12)

  • 厦门大学环境与生态学院 副教授(2013-2021)

  • 厦门大学环境与生态学院 教授(2021至今)


  • 河口重金属风险预测模型

  • 重金属生物累积与毒性的模型预测

  • 海洋环境质量生物监测

  • 海鲜贝类食品安全


  1. Zhong, G., Lin, Z., Liu, F., Xie, M., Chen, R., & Tan, Q. G.* (2024). Toxicokinetics and Mussel Watch: Addressing interspecies differences for coastal cadmium contamination assessment. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 14618-14628

  2. Qian, J., Hu, T., Xiong, H., Cao, X., Liu, F., Gosnell, K. J., Xie, M., Chen, R., & Tan, Q. G.* (2024). Turbid waters and clearer standards: Refining water quality criteria for coastal environments by encompassing metal bioavailability from suspended particles. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(12), 5244-5254.

  3. Cao, X., Zhong, G., Pan, K., Qian, J., Xie, M., Chen, R., Liao, Y., & Tan, Q. G.* (2023). Interspecies calibration for biomonitoring metal contamination in coastal waters using oysters and mussels. Science of The Total Environment, 883, 163703.

  4. Cao, X., Yu, Z. X., Xie, M., Pan, K., & Tan, Q. G.* (2023). Higher risks of copper toxicity in turbid waters: Quantifying the bioavailability of particle-bound metals to set site-specific water quality criteria. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(2), 1060-1070.

  5. Xie, M., Huang, J. L., Lin, Z., Chen, R., & Tan, Q. G.* (2021). Field to laboratory comparison of metal accumulation on aged microplastics in coastal waters. Science of the Total Environment, 797, 149108.

  6. Lin, Z., Xu, X., Xie, M., Chen, R., & Tan, Q. G.* (2021). Measuring metal uptake and loss in individual organisms: a novel double stable isotope method and its application in explaining body size effects on cadmium concentration in mussels. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(14), 9979-9988.

  7. Liang, W. Q., Xie, M., & Tan, Q. G.* (2021). Making the Biotic Ligand Model kinetic, easier to develop, and more flexible for deriving water quality criteria. Water Research, 188, 116548.

  8. Zhong, G., Lu, S., Chen, R., Chen, N., & Tan, Q. G.* (2020). Predicting risks of cadmium toxicity in salinity-fluctuating estuarine waters using the toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic model. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(21), 13899-13907.





  • 析化学 本科生课程

  • 环境数据分析与可视化 本研通修课程

  • 生态毒理学 研究生课程(参与)

  • 论文写作指导 研究生课程(参与)


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,(2024-2027),42377267,海洋贝类重金属累积的异速生长机制研究(49万,主持)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,(2020-2023),41977347,中国常见海洋贻贝与牡蛎镉累积能力种间差异机制研究(61万,主持)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2015-2018),21477099,改进生物配体模型预测河口水体中铜和锌的水生毒性(90万,主持)

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目(2012-2016),21237004,中国南方典型河口生物的重金属生物动力学与毒理(300万,参与)


  • Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 编辑

  • 生态毒理学报 编委
